Glenda is committed to assisting her clients resolve their specific issues in a timely and cost-effective manner.
Glenda is a firm believer that if the parties are willing, a collaborative approach to resolving family issues is very effective. Collaborative law provides the parties with the opportunity to be directly involved in determining the ultimate resolution of the issues as they commit to creating solutions without going to court. There is usually less animosity in this process and is generally less costly and stressful than going to court. In addition, the collaborative process allows the parties to keep their “personal affairs” private and away from the public nature of a court hearing.
Glenda has experienced much success with her clients who engage in the collaborative process and encourages clients to consider that process as an option in their case.
In addition to practicing “collaborative law”, Glenda has extensive experience and success in negotiating agreements for her clients as well as appearing in court and advocating her clients’ interests.